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  Penn Township Westmoreland County Pennsylvania spacerWar Memorial at Municiple Complex

Western Westmoreland Municipal Authority

Public Meetings

The Western Westmoreland Municipal Authority Board meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the sewage authority building on Route 993.


The Western Westmoreland Municipal Authority (WWMA) is responsible for the operation of the WWMA sanitary system, which includes the Brush Creek Sewage Treatment Facility.

The WWMA board members have the power to made decisions concerning the incurring of debt, staffing, policy setting, and all aspects concerning the operation of the WWMA sanitary system and treatment plant.


The six townships that contribute sewage into the Brush Creek Sewage Treatment Plant have equal representation on the WWMA Board. These six townships include Township of North Huntingdon, Borough of Irwin, Township of Penn, Borough of Manor, Township of Hempfield, and Borough of North Irwin.